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Information Technology & Services

Automated Sales Prospecting Tool

Fusemachines built the Fuse Prospector tool to be a sales prospecting and outbound conversation platform for companies of all sizes. The tool provides scalable personalized outbound content via human-in-the-loop AI-verified customer information needed to drive revenue.


Enabled data-driven personalized conversations with customers to drive revenue using Machine Learning.


Needed better information on customer behavior to engage them in a data driven meaningful way to drive revenue. To empower decision makers to leverage different data to create personalized messaging with potential customer to drive revenue. This platform took data related to a pre-identified set of personas from LinkedIn and transformed it into automated personalized conversations, using java, elastic search, python, emberjs, sendgrid, aws, mongodb, spring.


Human + Machine Verified Leads
Using advanced algorithms, the AI system merges a broad range of sources into a single database. The system then cleans the data and makes intelligent predictions on your ideal prospect’s contact information. Finally, leads are verified by human experts and ready for use.
The platform leverages intersected data sources based on your ideal customer profile and allows you to export verified contact information. This enables your teams to conduct outreach to ideal prospects and close more deals.


Fuse prospector saved 90% of the time a customer sales rep (CSR) typically spent on sourcing and reaching out to leads. Clients who used the platform drove 45% higher revenue on average.
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