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Information Technology & Services

Leadership Coaching Product Development is a web platform that focuses on providing leadership coaching to managers by using feedback from employees regardless of where they’re located. Managers are able to receive customized tools based on the evaluation they get from surveys sent out at high frequency to employees.
“Fusemachines’ AI Services consistently delivered excellent results. Their talented and dependable engineers collaborated effectively with our data science team to generate tangible benefits. We look forward to continuing this alliance.”
David Mendlewicz
Co-Founder / CEO

Challenge was growing quickly but found themselves limited in their ability to address new client demands due to bandwidth constraints. In order to develop customized platform experiences, new features, and analytics for their new clients, the team realized it was crucial to quickly scale up their engineering team with resources they could trust. Finding these resources was not easy.
“The process of hiring engineers has never been easier for us. It used to take us about 6 months to find the right engineer, but with Fusemachines, we were able to onboard 3 engineers in two weeks. Overall we saved a little over 30% on the total cost for each resource, not including around $35k in recruiting fees and time spent on vetting talent”.
Simon Rakoski
Co-Founder and COO

Solution hired Fusemachines and in two weeks they had a team of engineers with the skillset they were looking for. Adding 2 Fuse engineers initially, and one shortly after, Fusemachines made it easy for them to scale their team on demand.
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